How do I book a flight after finding one?
Last updated January 15, 2025
Once you've found an award flight using Roame, you’ll need to book it directly through the airline or the relevant loyalty program. Roame helps you discover the availability of flights across 19+ airline programs, but we don’t handle bookings directly.
Booking a flight with points usually involves transferring your points to an airline program and then ticketing the flight. Just select your desired flight, choose "Transfer" next to your preferred program, and Roame will provide step-by-step instructions on how to book it.
Verify availability with Live Search (if using SkyView)
If you found the flight using SkyView, keep in mind that SkyView results are cached and may show availability that was last seen a few hours or days ago.
Before proceeding, we highly recommend running the same search using Live Search to ensure the flight is still available in real-time. This is the best way to confirm up-to-date availability.
Additionally, we recommend to always verify award availability directly on the airline's site before transferring points.
Tips to keep in mind:
- Award availability can change quickly: If you see a flight you like, try to book it as soon as possible—award seats can go fast, especially for premium cabins.
- Partner airlines: Sometimes, you’ll book flights operated by a partner airline (e.g., booking a Lufthansa flight using Air Canada Aeroplan miles). Ensure you’re searching in the correct loyalty program.
- Transfer points wisely: Once you transfer points to an airline program, you typically can’t transfer them back, so always confirm availability with Live Search first.
- Check cancellation/change policies: Some airline programs are very flexible and offer free changes/cancellations on all award tickets, some are strict and charge large fees or don't let you alter the flight at all. Make sure to understand the individual cancellation policy before booking!